I LOVE Muay Thai and I love being a STUDENT in the art. One of the biggest most life impacting learnings in studying martial arts has not been a punch or kick...it has been RESPECT. In my time training I have discovered the importance of respect for myself, respect for others, and most importantly respect for my TEACHERS. Without this understanding it makes it difficult to learn and train properly and effectively.
Often students come to martial arts for the physical benefits, however it is the benefits to the mind and spirit that will bring long term physical and overall well-being. It is important to focus on these aspects and the rest will fall in place. If there is too much focus on the physical then the mind will grow weak and be unable to support the body which will then break down much more quickly. Strong mind, strong spirit, strong body.
Why do we wai or bow? Bowing can sometimes be misunderstood in Western cultures. It goes far beyond simple respect, although this is a fundamental aspect. Bowing is not religious, just as shaking hands is not religious. Bowing has nothing to do with subservience or superiority since the other person always bows back. It’s purpose is to help promote a right attitude and a mind that is calm, concentrated and focused, and not caught up in self importance, opinion or agitation. The importance of right attitude cannot be stressed enough in any true study of martial arts. Right attitude and consistent training will lead to success on and off the mats. In other words, check your ego at the door.
When it comes to respect we tend to treat the people and things we respect with great care. Respect for the camp or dojo, instructors, equipment and fellow classmates should be common sense. There is a general level of respect that should be shared between those that we train with. We have to trust each other and communicate with each other. I can’t say this strongly enough, it is VITAL that we TRUST. We are striking, throwing , and doing other techniques of extreme discomfort to each other. We have to trust that our partners will use control and precision in their techniques. If we do not have the proper respect for each other we might not take our endeavor with the seriousness required. Mutual respect is so important in the martial arts and it cannot be understated.
Understanding that you do not already know all there is to know is very important in martial arts. If you feel that you know all there is to know, it would be impossible to learn anything new. Martial arts is an ongoing journey and I don't believe anyone can ever stop learning....there is always more to learn. A cup that is already full can hold no more. So it is important to empty your cup and clear your mind every time you bow and enter the training area. Do this and you too will grow to LOVE Muay Thai and martial arts.
Kup kun Ka and Respectfully,
Anna Nguyen
Kup kun Ka and Respectfully,
Anna Nguyen
And this is why I attend! :)