Sunday, September 15, 2013

Consistency is key

Consistency is key for results.  Any activity that is done regularly is of course going to get results.  If you run 3 times a week you are more likely to be able to do that 5K than if you just run once in awhile whenever you can fit it in.  To be consistent in training it helps to schedule and put in your calendar regular times for training.  Also, be clear on your values because what you value most will be what you are consistent with most.  What are your top priorities?  By making health a top priority training will naturally become more consistent.

With our children we experience the importance of consistency with setting rules and boundaries. The benefits become very clear as we see our children thrive in a world where they know what to expect and what is expected of them.  So just as with adults, kids also need consistency with their training to get the best results.  When training is not consistent often children will lose interest or resist going.  So again, identify values and top priorities and then make a regular schedule to get the most out of training program.  Consistency is the key to success.