Tuesday, September 29, 2015


Kids and Muay Thai Training



“The martial arts are ultimately self-knowledge. A punch or a kick is not to knock the hell out of the guy in front, but to knock the hell out of your ego, your fear, or your hang-ups.”

Bruce Lee

10 Reasons Muay Thai benefits kids

In a culture that seems to glorify violence in everything from music to video games and television shows, the idea of enrolling your child in Muay Thai training classes may not at first seem like a good one. Muay Thai training is actually very beneficial to kids. Here are 10 of the reasons why you may want to consider Muay Thai training for your kids:
1. Fostering Self-Discipline – One of the central tenets of Muay Thai is an absolute focus on self-discipline. Today’s kids are so accustomed to receiving instant gratification that lessons in self-restraint and discipline aren’t always easy to come by. Kids with a Muay Thai background, however, are continually reminded of how essential self-discipline is.
2. Boosting Socialisation Skills – Kids who don’t always thrive in highly social environments may find it easier to get to know people and make new friends when they’re in a room filled with peers who share a common interest. The kids on the playground may not always have much common ground, but devotees to Muay Thai are able to get to know one another through shared pursuits. Partner-driven forms like Muay Thai can also foster camaraderie, as they force kids to pair off and build their skills together.
3. Encouraging Physical Activity – Limiting screen time is a great idea when it comes to getting kids off the couch and encouraging them to be more active, but it only goes so far. Enrolling an inactive child in such a physically demanding pastime not only discourages the sedentary lifestyle she’s used to, but also gives her an enjoyable activity that inspires her to keep moving.
4. Learning to Set and Achieve Goals – Muay Thai is based around an accomplishment system of coloured arm bands that signify the wearer’s degree of skill. When your child strives toward each new arm band, he’s learning valuable lessons about setting and reaching his goals.
5. Increased Self-Esteem – Confidence comes with achievement, so your child’s self-esteem level will get a boost with every new move he masters and every arm band he earns. Kids who struggle with a low sense of self-worth usually become more confident as time progresses while they’re enrolled in a Muay Thai class.
6. Instilling a Sense of Respect – Learning Muay Thai will require your child to show her instructor unflinching respect. Today’s kid culture doesn’t always include respect for authority, adults or those in advanced positions. When she goes to her Muay Thai class, though, your child will be learning lessons in respect along with new moves.
7. Encouraging Non-Violent Conflict Resolution – Thinking that Muay Thai instruction promotes violent behaviour is justified if your only experience with the activity comes from television or movies. Children will have a greater sense of confidence because of their training and be more willing to stand up for themselves, which will often cause the aggressor to back down. If the conflict does become physical your child will have the skills to defend themselves.
8. Improving Listening Skills – In order to master the skills she’s being taught and advance through the arm band ranks, your child will have to exercise superior listening skills. Kids who aren’t always adept when it comes to paying attention to what they’re told can benefit from the verbal instruction and one-on-one work in the gym.
9. Developing Teamwork Skills – Whether he’s being tested to get a new belt or sparring in a practice setting to master a new manoeuvre, there are few things that your child does in his martial arts classes that will be done on his own. Working together to learn new things and accomplish goals is an important life lesson for kids to learn, and instruction in the martial arts can help your child learn that lesson.
10. Improvement in Other Areas of Life – The benefits of Muay Thai training don’t end in the gym. The boost in confidence, increased fitness level and new cooperation skills will also help your child navigate the academic and social aspects of school, affect his behaviour at home and have an all-around good influence on him as he develops into an adult.

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Thoughts on RESPECT and TRADITION in Muay Thai and martial arts in general...

I LOVE Muay Thai and I love being a STUDENT in the art.  One of the biggest most life impacting learnings in studying martial arts has not been a punch or kick...it has been RESPECT.  In my time training I have discovered the importance of respect for myself, respect for others, and most importantly respect for my TEACHERS.  Without this understanding it makes it difficult to learn and train properly and effectively.  

Often students come to martial arts for the physical benefits, however it is the benefits to the mind and spirit that will bring long term physical and overall well-being.  It is important to focus on these aspects and the rest will fall in place.  If there is too much focus on the physical then the mind will grow weak and be unable to support the body which will then break down much more quickly.  Strong mind, strong spirit, strong body.

Joining a camp or martial arts school is not like joining a gym or health club. Martial arts training is steeped in ancient traditions designed to benefit mind, body and spirit. Martial arts are of military roots and this is why there are common formalities that foster a respectful and dutiful atmosphere.  Martial arts training support you to be calm, control your behavior and respond to the challenges of life in a relaxed manner. It is here that you can look in the mirror and learn about yourself.  Your training should be focused on competing with yourself and not other students and especially not your instructor.  Always listen to your Kru or instructor or coach as they know how to get the best out of you, they see you bigger than you see yourself so it is important to follow their direction and instruction respectfully and politely.   Passing on knowledge of the art and it's traditions is considered something very serious and sacred. The camp or dojo is like a family and the instructor is considered the head of the family. Do not get insulted if your instructor corrects you or speaks in a harsh tone of voice. It is better to be corrected by your instructor than to hear sweet and pleasing words in order to keep you happy but that doesn't get your training or technique to grow and improve.  This is not martial arts. It is the instructor’s job to demand the most from you. When an instructor corrects you, gives you directions or has you work with another student, do not argue or get offended. The student should not take it personally. The best way to respond is to control your personal feelings and concentrate on improving your technique and self discipline. Students who apply themselves will later have revelations regarding the teachers actions which will help lead them to a greater understanding of martial arts and life.

Friday, January 3, 2014

Martial Arts Birthday Parties!

Looking for a fun and unique party so your child can have a birthday with their friends to remember?
Why not get a real kick out of celebrating your next birthday, with a Martial Arts Party.
Xtreme Ninja Martial Arts Center offers fun and active kids birthday parties that are easy and great fun, with Instructors that have as much energy and enthusiasm as the kids!
At Xtreme Ninja Martial Arts Center, we want kids to have a great time on their birthday. We provide a fun filled martial arts lesson for all kids who attend the party with the birthday child being the star of the show. Games are structured and based on the age of the kids attending and can be based on Karate, Mixed Martial Arts, Muay Thai (kickboxing) or Brazilian Jiu Jitsu the choice is yours!  
The dojo is a great space to embellish with a chosen theme if you choose.  You can decorate as little or as much as you want to!  Popular themes have been Power Rangers, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Surf Ninjas, Ninjago, Kung Fu Panda, Rocky, and many more.  

Whether the party boy or girl is 5 or 15 we have the right games for them and they always have fun.

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Consistency is key

Consistency is key for results.  Any activity that is done regularly is of course going to get results.  If you run 3 times a week you are more likely to be able to do that 5K than if you just run once in awhile whenever you can fit it in.  To be consistent in training it helps to schedule and put in your calendar regular times for training.  Also, be clear on your values because what you value most will be what you are consistent with most.  What are your top priorities?  By making health a top priority training will naturally become more consistent.

With our children we experience the importance of consistency with setting rules and boundaries. The benefits become very clear as we see our children thrive in a world where they know what to expect and what is expected of them.  So just as with adults, kids also need consistency with their training to get the best results.  When training is not consistent often children will lose interest or resist going.  So again, identify values and top priorities and then make a regular schedule to get the most out of training program.  Consistency is the key to success. 

Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Keep it FRESH!

Want some great ways to keep your gear fresh and stink free? Try some of these tricks of the trade... 

1.  Drop some of these odor eaters into your bag or gloves. They absorb moisture and make it smell nice and clean.  Click here to purchase in our online store for just $9.95/pair!  
2.  Wearing hand wraps will absorb a lot of sweat that will otherwise soak into gloves and focus mitts.  Handwraps can also be washed.  Yes you should wash your hand wraps!  Tired of your hand wraps ending up in a twisted mess in the laundry?  Simple...just throw them into a small mesh laundry bag and then throw them in with the wash & dry.  Also, check out the Quick Wrap in our online store just $14.95.  Roll your hand wraps in seconds!
3. Wipe down sparring gear with tea tree oil wipes.  You can buy at most body care shops or make them at home with paper towels then stash them in your bag. Great for wiping off feet and hands after training also!  Spritz gear with 50/50 rubbing alcohol and water.  After a few minutes, slide a cotton ball with a few drops of tea tree oil inside gear and let air dry. 
4.  Crumple up some newspaper and keep inside your gloves to help absorb moisture.  You can also put some cedar chips in a pair of socks and keep in your gloves.
5.  Air it out!  That unappealing smell comes from mold and bacteria collected from hands, feet, etc; both thrive in warm and humid environments.  The most important way to combat this is to air gear out after training.
6.  Another way to kill bacteria is to put gear in the freezer overnight in a plastic bag.  Although it is not recommended to do this too often as it can damage gear over time, especially leather.  Use this as a last resort.

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Reach Your Goals

Lately I feel that many people come to class, and at the end, ask the same questions, either " I have been coming to Xtreme Ninja for 2-3 weeks now, and I haven't lost weight. What is the problem, and why am I not loosing?" or " I have been coming to class for 6+ months, in the beginning I lost weight, but it's all stopeed. What's going on?"

Exercise and healthy eating are crucial to weight loss, but even if you do these sometimes the weight doesn't budge. Since weight loss is a positive reinforcement for a healthy lifestyle, it is discouraging when the weight remains. Many factors may contribute to a lack of weight loss even when you are doing the right things. Your diet and exercise efforts may not be sufficient. (I can hear sighs and see eyes rolling now)

  • Diet. Regardless of your diet, weight loss depends on consuming fewer calories than the body needs to maintain its weight.
  • Sleep. Research shows in many that sleeping less than seven hours a night results in weight gain. 
  • Exercise Intensity. Any physical activity is beneficial, but to burn calories and lose weight, exercise needs to be performed in your target heart rate range, which is calculated by subtracting your age from 220, and multiplying the difference by 65 and 85 percent. Exercising at a lower intensity is not effective at burning fat. Many of us think that it's sufficient to have an amazing just 1 or 2 days a week and expect drastic results, unfortunately that is not the case. Regular high intensity exercise needs to be regular and frequent, 4-5 times a week. Another HUGE issue is that muscles can get used to the exercise, this then requires that you spike or increase the intensity to maintain fat burn. 

Personally, I hit a plateau roughly 5 months ago. I felt that I just couldn't get past the physical struggles and challenges I had no matter what I did. After taking into account these three major points, I noticed changes within a week, and have been making steady progress since.

So in short, make wiser, healthier food choices, get a good amount of rest and push yourself when exercising.

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Good Luck BJJ Students!

Good luck to all of our students competing today at the 
2013 Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Competition today.